InfoSci Undergraduate Courses

View College of Information Science (InfoSci) undergraduate courses—click a title to view course description:

ESOC 150: Social Media and Ourselves
ESOC 200: Visual Content Creation for the Information Age
ESOC 210: Hacking & Open-Source Culture
ESOC 211: Collaborating in Online Communities
ESOC 212: Social Media Strategies Across Professions
ESOC 213: The Past and New Media
ESOC 214: Introduction to Data Science
ESOC 300: Digital Storytelling and Culture
ESOC 301: Qualitative Internet Research
ESOC 302: Quantitative Methods for the Digital Marketplace
ESOC 313: Digital Discourse and Identity
ESOC 314: Theories of New Media
ESOC 315: Publishing: From Papyrus to e-Readers
ESOC 316: Digital Commerce
ESOC 317: Digital Crime and Social Media
ESOC 318: Disruptive Technologies
ESOC 319: Instructional Technologies
ESOC 330: Digital Dilemmas – Privacy, Property, and Access
ESOC 340: Information, Multimedia Design and the Moving Image
ESOC 393: Internship
ESOC 399: Independent Study
ESOC 414: Computational Social Science
ESOC 418: Information Trust, Manipulation and Deception
ESOC 477: Information Security
ESOC 478: Science Information and Its Presentation
ESOC 480: Digital Engagement
ESOC 488: Special Topics
ESOC 493: Internship
ESOC 495: Special Topics in a Digital and Big Data World
ESOC 498: Senior Capstone
ESOC 499: Independent Study
ESOC/ENGL 325: Contemporary Literature and Digital Media
ESOC/INFO 345: Decoding Disinformation
GAME 303: Digital Games and Society
GAME 305: Legal Aspects of Game Industries
GAME 306: Esports Casting and Development
GAME 307: Narrative Practices in Digital Games
GAME 308: Diversity and Bias in Games
GAME 309: Simulation Design and Development for Complex Problem Solving
GAME 310: Gamification in Society
GAME 311: eSports Industries
GAME 312: Monetizing Independent Gaming
GAME 351: Game Programming
GAME 451: Game Development
GAME 452: Advanced Game Development
INFO 420: Ethical Issues in Information
INFO 439: Sociology of Information, Knowledge, and Science
ISTA 100: Great Ideas of the Information Age
ISTA 116: Statistical Foundations of the Information Age
ISTA 130: Computational Thinking and Doing
ISTA 131: Dealing with Data
ISTA 161: Ethics in a Digital World
ISTA 263: Learning in the Information Age
ISTA 299H: Honors Independent Study
ISTA 301: Computing and the Arts
ISTA 302: Technology of Sound
ISTA 303: Introduction to Creative Coding
ISTA 311: Foundation of Information and Inference
ISTA 320: Applied Data Visualization
ISTA 321: Data Mining and Discovery
ISTA 322: Data Engineering
ISTA 329: Introduction to Web Design and Development
ISTA 330: Advanced Web Design
ISTA 331: Principles and Practice of Data Science
ISTA 350: Programming for Informatics Applications
ISTA 352: Images: Past, Present and Future
ISTA 355: Introduction to Natural Language Processing
ISTA 370: Research Methods for the Information Age
ISTA 391: Preceptorship
ISTA 392: Directed Research
ISTA 399: Independent Study
ISTA 399H: Honors Independent Study
ISTA 401: Designing Installations
ISTA 403: Advanced Creative Coding
ISTA 410/510: Bayesian Modeling and Inference
ISTA 416: Introduction to Human Computer Interaction
ISTA 421: Introduction to Machine Learning
ISTA 424: Virtual Reality
ISTA 429: Applied Cyberinfrastructure Concepts
ISTA 431: Data Warehousing and Analytics in the Cloud
ISTA 439: Statistical Natural Language Processing (Cross-listed LING 439)
ISTA 450: Artificial Intelligence
ISTA 454: Informatics in Biology
ISTA 455: Applied Natural Language Processing
ISTA 456: Text Retrieval and Web Search
ISTA 457: Neural Networks
ISTA 491: Preceptorship
ISTA 495: Digital Media History & Innovations
ISTA 495: Special Topics in Information Science, Technology and Arts
ISTA 497: Biodiversity Informatics
ISTA 498: Senior Capstone
ISTA 498H: Honors Thesis
ISTA 499H: Honors Independent Study
ISTA 599: Independent Study
ISTA/GAME 251: Introduction to Game Design
ISTA/GAME 425: Algorithms for Games
LIS 417: Introduction to Digital Cultures
LIS 432: Online Searching
LIS 435: Business Information
LIS 446: History of Books after Gutenberg
LIS 447: Data Literacy
LIS 470: Database Development and Management
LIS 471: Introduction to Information Technology
LIS 484/584: Intellectual Property and Copyright
LIS 487: Information Seeking Behaviors
LIS 488: Special Topics in Library and Information Science
LIS 493: Internship
LIS 494: Practicum
LIS 498: Senior Capstone
LIS 499: Independent Study