The University of Arizona College of Information Science encourages scholarly communication and welcomes domestic and international visiting scholars.
Learn more about becoming a visiting scholar:
Faculty & Post-Doc Visiting Scholars
Faculty and post-doctoral visiting scholars in the College of Information Science enjoy:
- Library privileges identical to University of Arizona faculty
- The privilege of auditing classes without fee or record (with the consent of the instructor and as space allows)
- The privilege of attending and taking part in seminars
- The use of laboratory and other space and facilities to the extent they are available
- An on-campus office space
In addition, Visiting Scholars may purchase faculty and parking permits and tickets to Artist Series events at faculty rates.
To ensure a productive and pleasant visit for our guests and the best utilization of the school’s limited resources, you must:
- Hold a PhD degree and research in an area that is of interests to College of Information Science faculty and students
- Be self-supported financially. In some cases, a visiting scholar may be offered a paid adjunct faculty position
- Identify a faculty sponsor who agrees to sponsor you. A faculty sponsor will be your main point of contact for your visit. Any full-time College of Information Science faculty may be a sponsor for a visiting scholar. You are encouraged to contact the potential sponsoring faculty before submitting an application. Please send application materials/letter of interest to a potential host faculty member, the host faculty member will confirm that they support the application along with the broader College of Information Science faculty group.
- Include your CV, a research plan and two letters of reference with your application
- For non-U.S. residents, the University of Arizona and the U.S. government require certain forms to be completed that require fees including the J-1 processing fee. Learn more about the J-1 Exchange Visitor program. These papers only need to be processed after we've accepted your application.
Visiting Student Scholars
Visiting student scholars at the College of Information Science:
- Enjoy library privileges identical with those of University of Arizona students
- May attend and take part in public research presentations
- Receive the use of laboratory and other space and facilities to the extent they are available
- Required to present their research at the college's public forums
Your application must include:
- Complete CV
- Statement of research to be carried out (If relevant, the research project must receive IRB approval)
- You must identify a faculty sponsor who has agreed to sponsor you. A faculty sponsor will be your main point of contact for your visit. Any full-time College of Information Science faculty may be a sponsor for a visiting scholar. You are encouraged to contact the potential sponsoring faculty before submitting an application.
- Advisor’s letter of recommendation plus 1 more academic letter of reference.
- For non-U.S. residents, the University of Arizona and the U.S. government require certain forms to be completed that require fees including the J-1 processing fee. Learn more about the J-1 Exchange Visitor program. These papers only need to be processed after we've accepted your application.
Submit Your Inquiry or Request More Information
Inquiries and visiting scholar applications should be sent to Paloma Mello Haro, faculty affairs coordinator, at pmello@arizona.edu. Applications are accepted year round and will be reviewed in a faculty meeting.