The faculty of the College of Information Science are leaders in the information, data and library sciences. Their research appears in top peer-reviewed journals, they develop world-class datasets and software, and they participate in a range of engaging presentations, both scholarly and for the general public.
Scroll down to view select faculty publications, presentations, data and software by year, or follow a link below:
Select 2024 Faculty Publications
Juliana L. Barbati, Stephen A. Rains, Kate Kenski, Yotam Shmargad, Steven Bethard and Kevin Coe. Examining the Dynamics of Uncivil Discourse Between Sub-National Political Officials and the Public on Twitter. Mass Communication and Society, 0(0): 1-20. February 2024.
Sarah Bratt, Buchanan, S., Honick, B., & Gala, B. (2024). Invisible Data Communities: Detecting Scientific Communities Based on Dataset Affinity Networks. iConference 2024 Proceedings.
Catherine F. Brooks, Juanals, B., & Minel, J.-L. (2024). Environmental Debates in the Media: The Case of Hardrock Mining in Arizona and Energy Transition Dilemmas. Sage Open, 14(3). https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440241267847
Young, S., Catherine F. Brooks, and Pridmore, J. (2024). Societal implications of quantum technologies through a technocriticism of quantum key distribution. First Monday 3(1), online.
Gerwin JN, de Oliveira Almeida G, Boyce MW, Joseph M, Wong AH, Winslow Burleson and Evans LV (2024) HRVEST: a novel data solution for using wearable smart technology to measure physiologic stress variables during a randomized clinical trial. Frontiers in Computer Science 6:1343139.
Swetnam, T. L., Antin, P. B., Bartelme, R., Bucksch, A., Camhy, D., Greg Chism, ... & Lyons, E. (2024). CyVerse: Cyberinfrastructure for open science. PLOS Computational Biology, 20(2), e1011270.
Zach Lischer-Katz, Braggs, R., & Carter, B. (2024). Investigating volumetric video creation and curation for the digital humanities: A white paper describing findings from the project: Preserving BIPOC expatriates’ memories during wartime and beyond. https://doi.org/10.2458/10150.674673
Dharma KC, Venkata Ravi, Kiran Dayana, Meng-Lin Wu, Venkateswara Rao Cherukuri, Hau Hwang and Clayton T. Morrison. Towards Light Weight Object Detection System. International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT), 2024.
Pasquetto, I. V., Cullen, Z., Andrea Thomer, & Wofford, M. (2024). What is research data “misuse”? And how can it be prevented or mitigated? Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.24944
Hemphill, L., Andrea Thomer, Lafia, S. et al. A dataset for measuring the impact of research data and their curation. Sci Data 11, 442 (2024).
Rayburn, A. J., Punzalan, R. L., & Andrea K. Thomer. (2024). Persisting through friction: Growing a community driven knowledge infrastructure. Archival Science.
Xin Su, Phillip Howard, Nagib Hakim and Steven Bethard. Fusing Temporal Graphs into Transformers for Time-Sensitive Question Answering. In Houda Bouamor, Juan Pino and Kalika Bali., editor(s), Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023, pages 948–966, Singapore, December 2023. Association for Computational Linguistics
Tristan Naumann; Asma Ben Abacha;
In Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment, & Social Media Analysis, pages 194–201, Toronto, Canada, July 2023. Association for Computational Linguistics.
In Proceedings of the 12th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2023), pages 48–60, Toronto, Canada, July 2023. Association for Computational Linguistics.
In Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023), pages 1656–1659, Toronto, Canada, July 2023. Association for Computational Linguistics.
In Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023), pages 1650–1655, Toronto, Canada, July 2023. Association for Computational Linguistics.
In Proceedings of the 5th Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop, pages 191–199, Toronto, Canada, July 2023. Association for Computational Linguistics.
In Proceedings of the 5th Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop, pages 144–149, Toronto, Canada, July 2023. Association for Computational Linguistics.
In The 22nd Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing and BioNLP Shared Tasks, pages 313–319, Toronto, Canada, July 2023. Association for Computational Linguistics.
In Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), pages 15746–15761, Toronto, Canada, July 2023. Association for Computational Linguistics.
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, n/a(n/a). June 2023.
Communication and Democracy, 57(1): 143-152. 2023.
Qin, J., Sarah Bratt, Hemsley, J., Smith, A., & Liu, Q. (2023). A FAIR Data Ecosystem for Science of Science. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 60(1), 1107-1109.
Sarah Bratt. (2023). ‘Routine Infrastructuring’: How Social Scientists Appropriate Resources to Deposit Qualitative Data to ICPSR and Implications for FAIR and CARE. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 60(1), 61-72.
Sarah Bratt, Langalia, M., & Nanoti, A. (2023). North-south scientific collaborations on research datasets: a longitudinal analysis of the division of labor on genomic datasets (1992–2021). Frontiers in Big Data, 6, 1054655.
Sarah Bratt. (2023, January). Articulating Institutionalization: How US Academic Faculty Organize Work to Deposit Data and the Impacts on Long-Term Research Data Sustainability. In The 2023 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP'23) Companion (pp. 82-84).
Y He, C Impey, Winslow Burleson. StellarScape: An Immersive Multimedia Performance Inspired by the Life of a Star. Leonardo, 2023.
Ruoyao Wang and Peter Jansen. 2023. Self-Supervised Behavior Cloned Transformers are Path Crawlers for Text Games. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023, pages 5555–5565, Singapore. Association for Computational Linguistics.
Wang, R., Todd, G., Yuan, E., Xiao, Z., Côté, M. A., & Peter Jansen. (2023). ByteSized32: A Corpus and Challenge Task for Generating Task-Specific World Models Expressed as Text Games. arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.14879.
Peter Jansen. (2023). From words to wires: Generating functioning electronic devices from natural language descriptions. arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.14874.
Wang, R., Peter Jansen, Côté, M. A., & Ammanabrolu, P. (2023). Behavior cloned transformers are neurosymbolic reasoners. arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.07382.
Peter Jansen, & Côté, M. A. (2023). TextWorldExpress: Simulating text games at one million steps per second. arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.01174.
Andrew Kemp-Wilcox, "Colonialist and Anti-Colonialist Play in Spirit Island: A Ludo-Textual Analysis." In Heritage, Memory and Identity in Postcolonial Board Games (ed. Michal Mochocki). Routledge, 2023.
Jamie A. Lee, aems emswiler, and Bianca Finley Alper, “Origin Stories and the Shaping of the Community-Based Archives,” Archival Science, vol. 23 (2023), 381-410.
Jamie A. Lee, “Archives as Spaces of Radical Hospitality,” in New Feminist Research Ethics, ed. Maryanne Dever, London: Routledge, 2023.
Jamie A. Lee, Kristen Suagee-Beauduy, and Samantha Montes, “Community-Based Archives and Their Pedagogies,” in The Critical Librarianship and Pedagogy Symposium: An Anthology of Works, ACRL Press, 2023.
Zack Lischer-Katz. (2023). Methods for Exploring Indeterminate Textuality in John Cage's Practices of Bibliographic Encoding: The Case of M. Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation, 16(2), 180-208.
Zack Lischer-Katz. (2023). Information Borderlands in the US Southwest. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 60(1), 1055-1058.
Clark, J., & Zack Lischer-Katz. (2023). (In)accessibility and the technocratic library: Addressing institutional failures in library adoption of emerging technologies. First Monday, 28(1).
Alice Saebom Kwak, Cheonkam Jeong, Gaetano Vincent Forte, Derek Bambauer, Clayton T. Morrison, Mihai Surdeanu. Information Extraction from Legal Wills: How Well Does GPT-4 Do? Findings of EMNLP (EMNLP), 2023.
Adarsh Pyarelal, Eric Duong, Caleb Jones Shibu, Paulo Soares, Savannah Boyd, Payal Khosla, Valeria Pfeifer, Diheng Zhang, Eric S. Andrews, Rick Champlin, Vincent Paul Raymond, Meghavarshini Krishnaswamy, Clayton T. Morrison, Emily Butler and Kobus Barnard. The ToMCAT Dataset. Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), Datasets and Benchmarks Track, 2023. (poster: https://neurips.cc/virtual/2023/poster/73548)
Dharma KC, Tito Ferra and Clayton T. Morrison. Neural Machine Translation for Recovering ASTs from Binaries. The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (SEAI), 2023.
Adarsh Pyarelal, E. Duong◦, C. J. Shibu◦, P. Soares◦, S. Boyd, P. Khosla, V. Pfeifer, D. Zhang, E. S. Andrews, R. Champlin, V. P. Raymond, M. Krishnaswamy◦, C. Morrison, E. Butler, and K. Barnard. 2023d. The ToMCAT Dataset. In Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Datasets and Benchmarks Track.
A. Qamar, Adarsh Pyarelal, and R. Huang. Dec. 2023. Who is Speaking? Speaker-Aware Multiparty Dialogue Act Classification. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023. Ed. by H. Bouamor, J. Pino, and K. Bali. Singapore: Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 10122–10135.
M. M. M. Miah, Adarsh Pyarelal, and R. Huang. Dec. 2023. Hierarchical Fusion for Online Multimodal Dialog Act Classification. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023. Ed. by H. Bouamor, J. Pino, and K. Bali. Singapore: Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 7532–7545.
Fan, L., Lafia, S., Wofford, M., Thomer, A., Yakel, E., & Hemphill, L. (2023). Mining Semantic Relations in Data References to Understand the Roles of Research Data in Academic Literature. 2023 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 215–227.
King, K. B. S., Giacomini, H. C., Wehrly, K., López‐Fernández, H., Andrea K. Thomer, & Alofs, K. M. (2023). Using historical catch data to evaluate predicted changes in fish relative abundance in response to a warming climate. Ecography, e06798.
Lafia, S., Andrea Thomer, Moss, E., Bleckley, D., & Hemphill, L. (2023). How and Why Do Researchers Reference Data? A Study of Rhetorical Features and Functions of Data References in Academic Articles (1). 22(1), Article 1.
LIS Forward, Acker, A., Aden, C., Bonn, M., Coward, C., Hunt, C., Knox, E., Lankes, D., Martin, M. H., Melo, M., Ndumu, A., Palmer, C. L., Patin, B., Sturm, B., Subramaniam, M., & Andrea K. Thomer. (2023). Ensuring a Vibrant Future for LIS in College of Information Sciences, Part I. University of Washington Information School.
Plantin, J.C., & Andrea Thomer. (2023). Platforms, programmability, and precarity: The platformization of research repositories in academic libraries. New Media & Society, 14614448231176758.
Raia, N., Damerow, J., Stanley, V., Lehnert, K., O’Ryan, D., Plomp, E., ESIP Physical Sample Curation Cluster, & Andrea Thomer. (2023). 4 Steps to Publish Open Earth Science Samples. 1253529 Bytes.
Song, H., Cui, H., Vieglais, D., Mandel, D., & Andrea K. Thomer. (2023). Automated Metadata Enhancement for Physical Sample Record Aggregation in the iSamples Project. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 60(1), 1131–1133.
Andrea K. Thomer, & Rayburn, A. J. (2023). “A Patchwork of Data Systems”: Quilting as an Analytic Lens and Stabilizing Practice for Knowledge Infrastructures. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 016224392311755.
Andrea K. Thomer, Wofford, M. F., Lenard, M. C., Dominguez Vidana, S., & Goring, S. J. (2023). Revealing Earth science code and data-use practices using the Throughput Graph Database. In X. Ma, M. Mookerjee, L. Hsu, & D. Hills (Eds.), Recent Advancement in Geoinformatics and Data Science. Geological Society of America.
Wofford, M. F., & Andrea K. Thomer. (2023). Curating for Contrarian Communities: Data Practices of Anthropogenic Climate Change Skeptics. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 60(1), 442–455.
Select 2024 Faculty Presentations
Sarah Bratt. Uncovering the Invisible Engines of Data-Intensive Science: Science of Science Studies of Datasets, Software, and Full-Text, Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship Speaker Series, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. December 2024.
Sarah Bratt. How U.S. Academic Librarians are Adapting LLMs for Library Practice: A Qualitative Interview Study (2023-2024) (video), Association for Information Science and Technology 2024 Annual Meeting. October 2024.
Sarah Bratt. AI Literacy Toolkit in Pima County Public Libraries (video), Association for Information Science and Technology 2024 Annual Meeting. October 2024.
Sarah Bratt. Poster: A Text-Based Measure of Humility in Inquiry Using Computational Grounded Theory (video), Association for Information Science and Technology 2024 Annual Meeting. October 2024.
Diana Daly, Pate McMichael, Kate Kenski and Keith Allred. AI & Elections Panel Discussion. AI at Arizona Town Hall Series, The University of Arizona. March 20, 2024
Jamie A. Lee. The Ambivalences of the Unfixed. Center for Archival Futures, University of Maryland. March 2024.
Sarah Young. Impacts of Quantum Technologies on Society: Quantum for Good? Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science (FiOLS) Conference. September 2024.
Sarah Bratt. Making Qualitative Data Machine Readable. Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S). 2023.
Sarah Bratt, Charles Gomez, Erin Leahey, Jina Lee, Abhishek Nanoti, Mrudang Langalia. The Division of Labor on Scientific Datasets: Implications for Innovation and Equity. ICSSI 2023, 2023.
Sarah Bratt. Institutionalizing ‘Care’ in Data Curation: Research Data Management Practices for Long-Term Sustainability & Ethical AI. U of A Sociology Colloquium, 2023.
Diana Daly, Schneider, N., and Ahmad, H. (2023) An Invitation to Shared Governance. Open Education Conference. November 7-9, 2023. Virtual.
Jamie A. Lee. Kairotic & Kin-Centric Archives: Addressing Abundances and Abandonments. Keynote Address, DigitPres 2023, Digital Library Foundation, November 2023.
Jamie A. Lee. Digital Storytelling, Climate Justice, and Coalitional Possibilities. Corbett Lecture, Global Arts + Humanities Discover Theme and the Rhetoric, Composition and Literacy Studies Program, The Ohio State University, April 2023.
Jamie A. Lee. Producing the Archival Body Workshop. The Ohio State University and their Global Arts + Humanities Discovery Theme, February 2023.
Jamie A. Lee. Producing the Archival Body and community collaborations. Rare Book School / Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship for Diversity, Inclusion and Cultural Heritage at The City College of New York and CUNY Dominican Studies Institute, February 2023.
Jamie A. Lee. Producing the Archival Body and Oral History Productions. Oral History Forum Webinar Series, sponsored by University of North Texas through IMLS funding, February 2023.
Zack Lischer-Katz. (2023). Invited panelist on the panel, “Retrospective, subjunctive, prospective: Provenance challenges across time,” R. Bettivia, Y.-Y. Cheng, and M. R. Gryk. (co-organizers). International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPRES) 2023, Champaign-Urbana, IL, Sept. 19-23.
Zack Lischer-Katz. (2023). Resisting surveillance and documentation infrastructures in the U.S. Southwestern Borderlands. Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI, Nov. 8-11.
Zack Lischer-Katz, Braggs, R. K., & Carter, B. (2023). Volumetric video for preservation: Exploring the possibilities and challenges for immersive BIPOC storytelling. International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPRES) 2023, Champaign-Urbana, IL, Sept. 19-23.
Chen, A.T., Cole, C.L., Chassanoff, A., Ma, R., Huvila, I., Zack Lischer-Katz, & Krtalić, M. (2023). Exploring collaborative interpretive practice. Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) Annual Meeting, London, UK, Sept. 27-31. [Workshop organizer and paper/posters co-chair]
Robinson, E., Anderson, J., Buys, M., Chodacki, J., Choe, S., Davies, N., Kansa, S., Lehnert, K., Meyer, C., Praetzellis, M., Andrea Thomer, Vieglais, D., Walls, R., & Wimalaratne, S. (2023, December 14). Exploring the Hidden Afterlives of Material Samples: How the Internet of Samples (iSamples) and Transdisciplinary Collaboration Across the Material Sample Community Enables Open Science with Samples. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Zenodo.
Thomer, T., Andrea Thomer, Lehnert, K., Vieglais, D., & Davies, Neil. (2023, June 1). Defragmenting physical collections and digital records through the iSamples project. 38th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections, San Francisco, CA.
Damerow, J., Ramdeen, S., Stanley, V., & Andrea K. Thomer (2023, January 24). Opening doors for open samples: Developing templates for sample and specimen citation, linking, and credit. 2023 January ESIP Meeting, Virtual.
Lehnert, K., Andrea K. Thomer, Choe, S., & Vieglais, D. (2023, December 13). The System for Earth Sample Registration SESAR: Engaging the Community to Improve Service [Poster Presentation]. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.