College of Information Science faculty and students are engaged in research around all aspects of the information sciences, without regard for disciplinary boundaries.
Our world-class faculty conduct interdisciplinary research in archival studies, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, biodiversity informatics, data management and curation, computer vision, computer-mediated communication and learning, natural language processing, social networking, human-computer interfaces, dark networks, computational art and creation, library sciences and much more.
Explore our current research areas:
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
InfoSci faculty conduct cutting-edge artificial intelligence and machine learning research, including such areas as AI, causal inference, data mining, deep learning, large language models, natural language processing and understanding, probabilistic modeling, social network analysis, and statistics and statistical learning.
Communication & Society
InfoSci faculty are leading researchers in communication and society, including such areas as computer-assisted language learning; language, identity and communication; misinformation/disinformation/fake information; narrative design; and science and technical communication.
Cultural Heritage, Humanities & Archives
InfoSci faculty conduct transformative cultural heritage, humanities and archives research, including such areas as archival studies, collections and libraries, collections management, community data archives, cultural heritage informatics, digital storytelling and oral history, history of print, and film history and archives.
Data Management, Analysis & Visualization
InfoSci faculty are leaders in data management, analysis and visualization research, including such areas as 3D data and virtual reality, bibliometrics, cybersecurity, data curation, data curation and preservation, data engineering, data visualization, high-performance computing applications, information organization, metadata, and parallel and distributed systems.
Environmental, Health & Biological Sciences
InfoSci faculty conduct essential environmental, health and biological sciences research, including such areas as biodiversity drivers, biodiversity informatics, paleoclimatic reconstructions and climate change, phylogenetics, social insect/complex system behavior and vertebrate paleontology.
Gaming & Virtual Worlds
InfoSci faculty conduct cutting-edge research in gaming and virtual worlds, including such areas as digital game-based language learning, eSports industries, game behavior and user experience, game design and development, game phenomenology, serious game development and video game industries.
Human-Computer Interaction / Human-Centered Computing
InfoSci faculty are leaders in human-computer interaction / human-centered computing research, including such areas as augmented and virtual reality, data science for social good, health science design, human-AI collaboration, human-centered data science, immersive technologies, public-interest technologies and user interface design.
Policy & Ethics
InfoSci faculty conduct difference-making policy and ethics research, including such areas as data and information ethics, intellectual property and copyright, law and public policy, open access, rule-oriented data management systems, social justice, and surveillance and society.
Social Sciences & Behavior
InfoSci faculty conduct essential social sciences and behavior research, including such areas as computational social science; computer-supported cooperative work; knowledge infrastructures; learning sciences; online collaboration; digital life, work and learning; science of science, science teams and team science, and scientometrics.