Faculty Academic Resources

Code of Academic Integrity

All University of Arizona community members have a responsibility to uphold and maintain an honest academic environment by following policies and procedures outlined in the Code of Academic Integrity. As a community of scholars, integrity should guide conduct and decisions related to all academic work and all credit-bearing classes, including traditional, non-traditional, and online courses.

Grade Appeal Information for Instructors

Any student may appeal a grade using the Office of the Registrar procedures. Where mentioned, the college, dean, and department head are the department or college where the course being appealed is offered. A week consists of five business days or seven calendar days. Grade appeals are not processed during the summer term unless the dean determines a case warrants immediate review, such as those for students cleared for May graduation. Please note that a grade appeal is only available before a student's degree is awarded.

Per the Registrar’s instructions, students will be responsible for routing their paperwork at various stages in the grade appeal process.

Instructor Responsibilities:

  1. Respond to the student in writing using this form within two weeks of receiving the student’s written statement.
  2. If agreeing to the grade change, please make the grade change and notify the student and the Office of the Registrar; OR If not agreeing to the grade change, explain the grading procedures, how the grade in question was determined, and any other issues raised in the student's statement in writing in the form.

Course Proposals

The College of Information Science reviews curriculum proposals in compliance with the university’s policies and procedures. Dean Catherine Brooks and Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Jamie A. Lee oversee course proposals.

A faculty member from any track or rank can initiate new course proposals and/or modifications to courses.

To submit a course proposal/modification, please:

  1. Identify the course you would like to propose and consult in writing, through email, the dean and faculty affairs associate dean regarding the course.
  2. Participate in either the Self-Paced Quick Start (any time) or Quick Start Live-Online. Quick Start provides an introduction to the goals of the General Education program and courses as well as support for successfully designing a course for review.
  3. Prepare proposal materials (updated General Education proposal form and syllabus).
  4. Submit the proposal to the College of Information Science curriculum committee for review.

Faculty Portfolio

Faculty Portfolio (formerly UA Vitae) offers a convenient, user-friendly venue for faculty to document their achievements in research, teaching, leadership, service and outreach. Some details, including research grants and teaching evaluations, appear in the Faculty Portfolio automatically. Others can be entered manually or imported from online sources such as Google Scholar. Faculty Portfolio is meant to reduce the amount of time and effort faculty spend each year reporting on their accomplishments and increase the accuracy and consistency of their data.

On this site, you’ll find information about how to make Faculty Portfolio work for you. Using the tabs at the top of the screen and the links below, you can find background information on the system, learn what’s new, find answers to frequently asked questions, locate training and support resources, and discover how to get started with your own Faculty Portfolio account.

Student Academic Advising

Academic advising is crucial for student success, guiding them through their educational journey and university systems to ensure they stay on track to earn their degrees and achieve academic goals.

If contacted by a student, please redirect them to the correct academic advisor. Undergraduate academic advisors are divided by last name and campus. Graduate academic advisors are divided by program.

View College of Information Science Academic Advisors

For additional faculty affairs information, or assistance with this web portal, please contact Paloma Mello Haro, faculty affairs coordinator, at pmello@arizona.edu or 520-621-1174.