BSIS/MSIS AMP Degree Requirements

BS in Information Science to MS in Information Science Accelerated Master’s Program students are required to take ISTA 350 as part of ISTA coursework for their undergraduate degree before participating in the AMP. Additionally, you are also required to take two of: ISTA 311, ISTA 331, MATH 129,or MATH 313 before participating in the AMP.

Exceptions can be made to take these courses during the AMP for transfer students or students who have demonstrated sufficient progress in programming and mathematical courses.

We recommend that you speak to your academic advisor about your interest in the program early on to begin planning your courses.

Registration & Coursework

Once accepted into the AMP program, students can take a maximum of 12 units (four courses) of graduate classes while an undergraduate, and will register using the Undergraduate Registration in Graduate Classes form, with the assistance of advisor and department.

Students are advised not to take more than two graduate classes per semester while an undergraduate. Thus, plan with your advisor to split your graduate work between your two final semesters. Please see the sample Five-Year Plan as a general guide.

Sample Five-Year Plan

Year 1 | Fall

ENGL 101: First-Year Composition3 units
MATH (based on placement)3 units
UNIV 101: Introduction to the General Education Experience1 unit
General Education: Exploring Perspectives3 units
First-Semester Language4 units
TOTAL14 units

Year 1 | Spring

ENGL 102: First-Year Composition3 units
ISTA 100: Great Ideas of the Information Age3 units
General Education: Exploring Perspectives3 units
General Education: Building Connections3 units
Second-Semester Language4 units
TOTAL16 units

Year 2 | Fall

ISTA 116: Statistical Foundations of the Information Age3 units
ISTA 130: Computational Thinking and Doing4 units
ISTA 161: Ethics in a Digital World3 units
General Education: Exploring Perspectives3 units
General Education: Exploring Perspectives3 units
TOTAL16 units

Year 2 | Spring

ISTA 131: Dealing with Data4 units
Computational Arts & Media Course3 units
General Education: Building Connections3 units
Minor Course3 units
Minor Course3 units
TOTAL16 units

Year 3 | Fall

UNIV 301: General Education Portfolio1 unit
ESOC 302: Quantitative Methods for the Digital Marketplace3 units
General Education: Building Connections3 units
Major Emphasis Course3 units
Minor Course3 units
Minor Course3 units
TOTAL16 units

Year 3 | Spring

Societies Course3 units
Major Emphasis Course3 units
Major Emphasis Course3 units
Minor Course3 units
Minor Course3 units
TOTAL15 units


Year 4 | Fall

Major Engagement Course*3 units
INFO 505: Foundations of Information (fulfills Emphasis Area Requirement)**3 units
INFO 526: Data Analysis and Visualization (fulfills Emphasis Area Requirement)**3 units
Upper-Division Elective3 units
Additional Elective Course3 units
TOTAL15 units

Year 4 | Spring

ISTA 498: Senior Capstone3 units
INFO 500-level Elective Course (fulfills Emphasis Area Requirement)**3 units
INFO 500-level Elective Course**3 units
Additional Elective Course3 units
TOTAL12 units


Year 5 | Fall

Graduate Course Core / Elective3 units
Graduate Course Elective3 units
Graduate Course Elective / General Elective3 units
TOTAL9 units

Year 5 | Spring

Graduate Course Elective / General Elective3 units
Graduate Course Elective / General Elective3 units
Experiential Course3 units
TOTAL9 units


* Engagement course, such as an internship, may be completed over the summer.
** AMP-designed course. Students complete a maximum of 12 graduate units as AMP coursework their fourth year or otherwise as undergraduates.

View Sample Five-Year Plan

View AMP Course Information/Options Checklist

AMP students are encouraged to take classes from the MS core requirements (INFO 505, 507 and 515) if available.

Additionally, AMP students may consider taking 500 (graduate) level sections of 400-level ISTA coursework, provided they meet the undergraduate prerequisites as well. However, AMP students are not restricted to 500-level sections of 400-level coursework; they may be flexible in their selection of graduate courses, in consultation with their academic advisors and completion of the Undergraduate Registration in Graduate Classes form. However, AMP students are advised not to take 600-level classes while an undergraduate. Discuss any 600-level course with your advisors.

Undergraduate students may take no more than 12 units (four) graduate classes while an undergraduate, and will register using the Undergraduate Registration in Graduate Classes form, with the assistance of advisor and department.

Consider if you wish to pursue a Graduate Certificate in addition to your MS. 

Use in Information Science Major

Graduate classes may be used in an undergraduate Information Science major as it most benefits the student, in consultation with their academic advisor. Students should still take ISTA 498: Senior Capstone, their Individual Studies/Engagement requirement, and all required undergraduate core ISTA classes. Transfer students are encouraged to declare a thematic minor in consultation with their academic advisor as the most efficient means to finish their degree requirements with an AMP.

Total Units for Undergraduate Graduation

Please note that all undergraduate students must earn 120 total units, 42 Upper Division units (coursework 300 level or above) in order to graduate.

Even if you have completed your general education, major and minor, you must have earned 120/42 in order to graduate. Students may need to take elective courses in order to graduate.

Transfer students in particular must carefully confer with their undergraduate academic advisor regarding their progress towards 120/42, 56 units at a university (not community college). Current students may use their advisement report in UAccess to track their degree requirements and units.