College of Information Science Faculty Research Blitz

Tucson at night with Milky Way


10 a.m. to noon, Jan. 26, 2024

Join College of Information Science faculty for the annual Research Blitz, a fast-paced series of presentations on the latest information-related research, apps, publications and more.

Registration is not required, and all faculty, staff, students and members of the public are welcome to join us!

Learn more about College of Information Science faculty and their research.

Faculty Presentations

Start Time Speaker Title / Topic of Talk
10:00 Berlin Loa Welcome / Introduction
10:10 Steven Bethard Linking text to maps
10:20 P. Bryan Heidorn Two Projects: Financial Topic Analysis of Federal Grants and Ecological Image Analysis
10:30 Sarah Bratt The Scholarly Ecosystem Reimagined: 1. How is Artificial Intelligence used in GLAMs? 2. Disambiguating Software Mentions in Scientific Literature
10:40 Jamie A. Lee Kairotic & Kin-Centric Archives
10:50 Zack Lischer-Katz Curating Visual Information
11:00 Xuan Lu Predicting Dropout Rates of Remote Workers Using Emojis
11:10 Jennifer Rochelle and Berlin Loa Library services for incarcerated folks in AZ
11:20 Lila Bozgeyikli Exploring Horizontally Flipped Interaction in Virtual Reality for Improving Spatial Ability
11:30 Ren Bozgeyikli Googly Eyes: Exploring Effects of Displaying User’s Eye Movements Outward on a VR Head-Mounted Display on User Experience
11:40 Cheryl Knott Texts and Paratexts in Translation: The English and French Editions of The Limits to Growth
11:50 Andrea Thomer Closing Remarks