Jaime Valenzuela

Research Areas
Archives and special collections
Scholarly communications
Archival ethics
Jaime Valenzuela joined the College of Information Science as an instructor in 2025 and the Cracchiolo Law Library in February 2016. He holds an MA in Library and Information Science and a BA in Creative Writing from the University of Arizona. He has worked and volunteered in various library settings which include the U of A's Egyptian Expedition, Freeport McMoran Inc., the Arizona State Prison Complex in Tucson and the U of A Poetry Center. Jaime is a Knowledge River Scholar (Cohort 12), a Certified Archivist as recognized by the Academy of Certified Archivists and Andrew W. Mellon Cultural Heritage Fellow. He is committed to serving the underprivileged populations of all BIPOC communities. Jaime hopes to create a greater awareness of the College of Law's Archive and Special Collections through exhibition and as a liaison with all other College of Law departments and the greater U of A community.
- INFO/LIS 540: Introduction to Archives
Select Publications
Demonstrating Inclusion and Allyship: Amplifying an Indigenous Voice Through Physical and Digital Exhibition in Creating an Inclusive Library for BIPOC Students (2024). Edited by Ngoc-Yen Tran, Michael J. Aguilar II and Adriana Poo.. https://repository.arizona.edu/handle/10150/674675
Special Collections and Archives in Introduction to Law Librarianship with Erin Grimes and Jason LeMay (2021). Edited by Casandra Laskowski and Zenada Joyner. https://pressbooks.pub/lawlibrarianship/chapter/special-collections-archives/
A Voice of Hope: Serving through Digitization and Initiative in Hope and a Future: Perspectives on the Impact that Librarians and Libraries Have on Our World (2021). Edited by Renee F. Hill. https://doi.org/10.1108/S0065-283020210000048013
Technical Services, Social Justice, and LibGuides: A Model for Impact with Jessica Ugstad and Travis Spence. 40 (2) Technical Services Quarterly 45 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1080/07317131.2023.2187108
Representation Matters: Only Collective Recognition Can Lead to Collective Action 26 (6) AALL Spectrum 54 (July/August 2022).
Honors & Awards
- Andrew W. Mellon Cultural Heritage Fellow, University of Virginia Rare Books School, 2022-2024
- Knowledge River Scholar, 2013-2014 (Cohort 12)
- Master of Arts in Library and Information Science, The University of Arizona
- Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing, The University of Arizona