Debra Gregerman
In various roles and programs, Debra Gregerman has been teaching for the University of Arizona for over 20 years. In the English Department, she served as a lecturer, adjunct lecturer, and visiting lecturer of foundations writing and creative writing. In the Honors College, Debra served as an assistant professor and lecturer of interdisciplinary arts, and mentored writing and research projects. Many summers, Debra serves as a writing specialist for the Graduate Writing Institute (Writing Skills Improvement Center). Currently, she teaches Digital Storytelling in the College of Information Science.
A writer and visual artist, Debra holds a BFA in painting from the Rhode Island School of Design, and an MFA in poetry from the University of Arizona. She is published in journals ( American Poetry Review, Massachusetts Review, Iowa Review, Columbia Magazine, and others), anthologized in Poetry: The Next Generation (Carnegie Mellon), and in a full-length collection, Jealousy and the things you are not (Owl Creek), a finalist in the Yale Younger Poets and National Series. Broadsides of poems (Kore Press) are held in special collections libraries at Yale University, Smith College, the University of Massachusetts, Brown University, the University of Arizona.