Information on Tap: AI, Disinformation & the Election

Information on Tap


7 to 8 p.m., Oct. 17, 2024

Join us at the Borderlands Brewing Co. Downtown Taproom on Thursday, October 17 for Information on Tap, a fascinating series of short presentations by University of Arizona College of Information Science faculty.

Information on Tap: AI, Disinformation and the Election
with Michael McKisson, Irene Fischler McKisson and Greg Chism


Michael McKisson

Five Tips for Detecting Doctored or Deepfake Election Media
Michael McKisson, Associate Professor of Practice
Find fair, trusted information on elections and stay up to date on local candidates and issues without getting overwhelmed. Plus get a behind-the-scenes peek into how journalists fact-check information and make ethical decisions covering election candidates, processes and breaking news.


Irene McKisson

Inside the Newsroom: How to Avoid Election Information Burnout
Irene Fischler McKisson, Instructor
Learn how to spot manipulated media, verify the authenticity of images and video, and distinguish fact from fiction in the age of AI.


Greg Chism

Polling Paradoxes: The Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey World of Election Uncertainty
Greg Chism, Assistant Professor of Practice
In the world of election predictions, polling data can be as unreliable as a Sonic Screwdriver fixing wood. This talk explores the visualization of uncertainty, how it impacts our understanding of elections and why, sometimes, the future is just too "timey-wimey" to predict. We'll also delve into recent controversies in polling, using favorability plots and the infamous NYT dial plot to illustrate key points.


Jana Phillips