Join us in person or online for the next College of Information Science colloquium, featuring Sandy Littletree, assistant professor, Information School, University of Washington.
Watch the recording here.
Colloquium Overview
The desire to be a good ancestor drives the work of many Indigenous people, including those in academia and in the library and information science field. In this presentation, Sandy Littletree will present a reflective exploration of her research journey in library and information science (LIS), particularly focusing on engagement from an Indigenous perspective. Grounded in personal experiences and historical contexts, she will draw on familial narratives, ancestral knowledge and the legacy of colonization to reflect on the importance of Indigenous voices in shaping the future of libraries. Through recounting experiences working with tribal libraries and communities, the presentation highlights the significance of Indigenous methodologies and futurisms in envisioning library services for Indigenous peoples. Sandy will also share insights from collaborative projects aimed at centering Indigenous perspectives in research practices.
About Sandy Littletree
Sandy Littletree (she/her) is an assistant professor at the University of Washington Information School. Her research focuses on the intersections of Indigenous systems of knowledge and the LIS (library and information science) field. She is an enrolled member of the Navajo Nation (Diné) from her father’s side, and is Eastern Shoshone from her mother’s side. Previously, Sandy worked as an assistant teaching professor at the UW College of Information Science, teaching primarily in the MLIS program. From 2009-2012, she worked as the Knowledge River Program Manager at the University of Arizona College of Information Science Resources and Library Science (now College of Information Science) where she focused on the recruitment and retention of Native American and Latino students in the MLIS degree program. She has developed advocacy resources for tribal libraries, produced a series of oral histories that document the stories of Arizona’s tribal libraries and overseen the revision of the 3rd edition of TRAILS (Tribal Library Procedures Manual). She is a past president of the American Indian Library Association (AILA).
Sandy earned her PhD from the Information School at the University of Washington in 2018. She earned her ALA-accredited MSIS degree from the University of Texas at Austin College of Information Science. She was one of the six Honoring Generations Scholars at UT-Austin, and was an ALA Spectrum Scholar. She also hold an MA in Curriculum and Instruction from New Mexico State University. She was an academic librarian at North Carolina State University Libraries through their acclaimed Fellows program. She is originally from the Four Corners region of New Mexico.