The College of Information Science is launching a new Student Ambassador program, iAmbassadors, and undergraduate and graduate students from all on-campus and online programs are encouraged to apply by nominating themselves or a fellow student.
Join us in person for an information session to learn more!
Who makes for the best iAmbassadors?
- Highly engaged students who regularly participate in class activities and/or student organizations
- Students who are willing to share their stories and experiences with prospective students and their families, both in person and digitally
- Students who are excited to share what it is like to be a student in the College of Information Science
What does an iAmbassador do?
1. Help with recruiting efforts for the College of Information Science, which may include:
- Leading prospective student/family tours
- Tabling at admissions and other recruitment events
- Blogging for the College of Information Science website
- Posting or participating in Student Ambassador takeovers on College of Information Science social media
- Responding to prospective student questions in real time via website chat or email
- Participating in call campaigns
2. Support larger College of Information Science initiatives and events, including Homecoming, Convocation and retention-related initiatives
What is the selection process?
Once students nominate themselves, or are nominated by faculty and staff (and agree to the nomination), we will follow up with the student to conduct an interview. This is a selective process, and every student who is nominated may not be chosen.
I'm ready! What are my next steps?
Join us in person for this information session!
No registration required.
Sign up to be an iAmbassador!