BSGDD Admissions & Cost

Old Main in afternoon light

Thank you for your interest in applying for admission to the University of Arizona and Bachelor of Science in Game Design and Development.

While prospective students are required to submit application materials through University of Arizona Undergraduate Admissions, our goal is to help you through the process. Let’s get started!

If you are a current U of A student, learn more about declaring a major, minor or certificate.

Application Deadlines

Main Campus

  • Fall Semester for First-Year Students: May 1
    Currently open
  • Fall Semester for Transfer Students: July 1
    Currently open
  • Spring Semester for First-Year Students: November 1
    Currently closed
  • Spring Semester for Transfer Students: December 2
    Currently closed
  • Summer Term: May 1
    Currently open

Online Campus

  • Fall Semester, August Start: August 1
    Currently open
  • Fall Semester, October Start: September 15
    Currently open
  • Spring Semester, January Start: December 2
    Currently closed
  • Spring Semester, March Start: February 15
    Currently open

Degree Cost

PROGRAM COST (Main Campus)

Per semester (12+ units)
$5,917.50 tuition + $450 college fees + $867 university fees*

Per semester (12+ units)
$19,082.50 tuition + $650 college fees + $867 university fees*

* Tuition, fees and other costs subject to change. Check the University of Arizona Tuition Calculator for exact tuition and fees based on your situation.

PROGRAM COST (Online Campus)

Per 12+ units
$525/unit tuition + $228 program fees for 12+ units*

* Tuition, fees and other costs subject to change. Check the University of Arizona Tuition Calculator for exact tuition and fees based on your situation.

How to Apply

The University of Arizona application process varies based on whether you are a first-year student, international student or transfer student. Learn more:

Apply Now

Admission Requirements

There are no additional admissions requirements for undergraduate degrees in the College of Information Science beyond general undergraduate admissions requirements for the University of Arizona. Learn more:

Scholarships & Financial Aid

The University of Arizona offer several scholarship and financial aid opportunities:

Explore Scholarships & Financial Aid

Contact Us

If you have any questions, contact us at

Are you ready to create interactive worlds that transcend devices and platforms?

If so, you're ready to apply to the University of Arizona and the Bachelor of Arts in Games and Behavior program in the College of Information Science:

Apply Now