Students registering for internships must agree to the policies on this page.
Master of Arts in Library and Information Sciences should consult the MLIS internship policies as well.
Virtual internships can be valuable experiences that demonstrate valuable flexibility. A growing number of online internships has been made available for College of Information Science interns.
Risk Assessment
Effective July 2021, the University no longer requires a COVID-19 Risk Assessment Form for internship approval. Students are encouraged to speak with their internship site supervisors for information on workplace safety policies and procedures. Please visit the Provost’s page for Experiential Learning Guidelines for full details.
Students are still required to review the Disclosure From Risk Assessment as part of the University of Arizona’s New Work Plan for Internships (insurance information begins on page 6).
Internship Agreement
As an intern you must agree to:
- Students may be paid for an internship and are encouraged to seek out paid opportunities, but they may not receive internship credit for their ongoing job. If you are applying for internship credit at an organization where you are regularly employed: indicate on the application form how the internship work hours and duties exceed the normal job requirements within the sponsoring organization and ensure that you have a distinct supervisor from your regular job duties.
- Ensure that your direct supervisor is able and willing to submit an evaluation on your behalf. Some organizations have personnel policies prohibiting your supervisor from providing a written intern evaluation. If this is the case, special arrangements must be made for your supervisor to communicate directly with the course instructor about your performance.
- Discuss with your prospective supervisor at the work site the possible risks and dangers associated with the planned internship.
- Complete all reporting requirements of the internship. The reporting requirements are in D2L and you must submit your information, including a final evaluation from your supervisor, by the due dates.
- Recognize that you are representing The University of Arizona as an ambassador to the community and abide by the Student Code of Conduct and Code of Academic Integrity.
- Understand and follow the policies, procedures, rules, and regulations of the sponsoring organization.
- Be prepared to perform your internship duties for the hours and duration specified. Talk with the supervisor about any University holidays.