Social Justice and Online Library Instruction Internship



The University of San Francisco Gleeson Library is looking to hire an MLIS student intern, Social Justice and Online Library Instruction, for Fall 2024, in-person or virtual. It is paid and would be a fantastic opportunity to get experience with library instruction in this capacity with a great team at that library. See the message and contact information below. Deadline to apply is July 1st, 2024.

Gleeson Library | Geschke Center at the University of San Francisco welcomes applications for a paid Social Justice and Online Library Instruction internship scheduled for the fall semester of 2024. The Social Justice and Online Library Instruction intern will create a series of online learning objects focusing on foundational research skills and social justice, using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and critical pedagogy principles. The intern will be supervised by a team of 2 librarians in the Gleeson Library Instruction and Outreach Department and meet with the project team weekly. The intern will receive training and mentorship on how to develop and create online tutorials, do weekly readings, and reflections on their work.

This position is aimed at MLIS students and/or graduate students  who have interest in librarianship, library instruction, online content creation, teaching, and critical pedagogy. This position is grant-funded. The number of hours is negotiable to meet the intern’s needs, up to 130 hours total, with a maximum of ten hours per week, Monday through Friday, from late August 2024 through mid-December 2024. The pay rate is $30/hr. Candidates from underrepresented groups and identities are encouraged to apply.

To apply for this internship, please submit your online application and a copy of your most recent resume/CV by July 1, 2024. If you have questions, please contact and


Sponsor Organization
The University of San Francisco